Creativity in Embedding Spaces

January 12, 2025

Connecting back to last week about modeling thought as an embedding space; today I would like to talk about how this analogy extends to creativity. Creativity is generally the idea to come up with novel ideas. Novel ideas are the product of our experience, you can’t think of something you have never seen before, generally you have to at least see part of it. I believe why many of our creations mimic what we have seen in nature.

Modeling Thought

January 4, 2025

I have played with the concept of how to model my own thought for a long time. Being that thought is a pretty complex yet predictable process, I have thought about what analogies or models I can use to better understand my own way of thinking, and why I do certain things. My working model I have developed thus far (based on nothing but vibes) is linear algebra based. I believe this comes from both my CS/Math background causing a bias, as well as a bias from learning about how transformers model internal state.

Vector Clocks

January 28, 2024

Today, in order to both sharpen my understanding, (as well as hopefully to give you something you might not have known), I’d like to talk about vector clocks. These are something I have thought about quite a bit recently (due to my class at Georgia Tech currently being Distributed Systems), and I thought they were neat enough to talk about here. So through next few minutes, we will work up the why and the required requisite knowledge to work with vector clocks.

Filebrowser Sidecar

December 18, 2023

So last time I talked about my home k3s cluster. I still have been non stop tinkering with the thing, and its a blast. I really enjoy tinkering with it, hosting my own apps for myself and my friends/family, and just getting to learn more about the high availability hosting stuff. With that said, there are definitely growing pains compared to just a straight docker setup. With more moving parts, theres only more stuff to break, and it breaks kinda often.

Kubernetes at Home

November 8, 2023

I was fortunate enough to get my hands on a sweet little Poweredge R710, a older Dell 2U system. They came in alot of configurations, but mine happened to come configured with two quad core Xeon CPUs, 64 gigs of ram, and six drive bays. Its not terribly power efficient, fast, or quiet, but it sure is fun. So with the addition of this machine, I decided to embark on tackling running Kubernetes at home, specficially k3s .

Deluge Vpn

October 17, 2023

I am currently setting up a Kubernetes cluster, and wanted to setup a torrent client within the cluster. Previously, I was using Truenas for my self hosting on-prem needs, which provides a nice mechanism to force a pod’s network to route through an OpenVPN container. Not wanting to do something like that, I looked into other options and found that both NordVPN and Deluge support Socks5 Proxies! This is pretty sweet, as last I knew neither supported socks proxies.

First Post

September 11, 2023

This is my first post from the rewrite! I decided to rewrite my website in Hugo this time instead of PHP. The real innovation here is the new tech stack underpinning the process of hosting this thing. So previously, I had no clue about “real” server hosting (like what actual companies do). But now that I have some experience under my belt in both my professional environment and in my hobby hosting, I now know a bit more about how to host in a more durable manner.